Member Profile

Photo: Andy De Emmony

Dave Moran

I completed a degree in ‘Film and TV’ in GMIT, specialising in editing. After which I went on to edit various shorts but quickly realised I much prefer being on set.

I managed to get in with the former Corman studio, Studio Solas. They took me under their wing and trained me up and through them I met many friends in the industry.

After a lot of kids TV, I decided to take a year out and go to Canada. I was fortunate to have met some Canadian crew while working at home and they put me in touch with some incredible script supervisors. I made contact when I got to Canada and they very kindly brought me in as a guest of their union to do some training with them.

For the next couple of years I worked mostly on low/no budget projects. Eventually I got calls asking me to cover or do second unit on the bigger shows, which in time lead to being offered my own blocks. Since then I’ve been working as steadily as one can.

Things I’ve Learned:
  • Don’t punish someone for having a bad day. A film set is a highly pressured environment, sometimes people snap. If they have the good grace to apologise, forgive and move on. (This includes yourself).

  • Be kind. That’s it! Just be kind! It costs nothing and yet means so much. Be the person you want to work with.

  • It’s okay to not know something. We are human, not machines.

  • Work hard and elevate yourself, don’t depend on bringing others down. And if you’re not prepared to work hard, this is not the industry for you!
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    On The Job

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