Member Profile
Eva KellyI have been told that from a young age I was so much of a telly addict that I would watch two flies crawl up the screen. However, it wasn’t until after I left college with a qualification in computers that I realised what I really wanted to do was to be involved in the making of Film and Television. Accordingly, I went back to college to pursue a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Film Studies and Anthropology. Though enjoyable and worth while, I came out of it still not really sure which exact aspect of the process I was most drawn to. It was not until a chance encounter with a recently retired script supervisor during my J1 summer job in Los Angles and the resulting offer of training that I learned about the job and what it actually entails and realised, finally, that it was the one for me. I have been a Script Supervisor since 2010 and have been lucky to work with some unbelievably creative and passionate people both behind and in front of the camera along the way. This role is multifaceted and challenging, you are involved in almost every aspect of the film making process so that you are constantly learning, and if the adage ‘no two days the same’ was to be applied to any job it would be this one. _ Click here to see Eva's IMDb page. |
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